Saturday, October 14, 2006

Japanese crazy festival "Danjiri"

I know there are many crazy festivals in the world.

I think it is one of them in Osaka area Japan.

Do you know "Danjiri"?

You don't know it yet!? Check it out right now:)


The Stiffs said...

I think Sayama Danjiri is the best. Tondabayashi Danjiri is okay, but not as good as Sayama.

Xaven said...

Wow - you were right in what you told me, Maki. IT does look like a crazy celebration. I liked the red team - they seemed to be more energetic! It looked like people were having alot of fun dancing around.

Maki said...

I don't agree with you, Steve! I know Tondabayashi Danjiri is the best:) I am sure you will think so this weekend!

It is good to introduce Japanese culture to you, Damien! I will watch another Danjiri in this weekend. Next is our city's Danjiri:) I'm so exciting! Wow!!

matthew said...

That looks very fun! Thanks for showing us 'Danjiri' :) I wish my town could have a crazy festival like that

Maki said...

Yes, it is very fun!
Do you have any festival in your town, Matthew?

matthew said...

We have a corn festival. But I have never been to it! I think people just get together and eat corn that day. It is not as crazy as Danjiri, haha

jen said...

Wow Maki, thank you for telling us about Danjiri! I have never heard of it before. It does look crazy. It is interesting that it is to drive out evil spirits.

The town where I live has a festival in September. I will write about it on my blog later today or tomorrow :)

Elizabeth said...

I remember last year being alseep and waking up to the sounds of danjiri teams. They went all day and all night it seemed. And i will agree with Steve and Tiff that sayama is best (because it is the only one I know)

Maki said...

Matthew, I am interested in corn festival! I love corn:) But it sounds a little boring... What do you think?

Liz Liz Liz Liz!You are wrong too:) hahaha,
Ok, you should check our city's.
I think you will change your mind:D