Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Welcome back, Anna!

Anna came to Japan again!
She went to home (Canada) before last Christmas.
We had never seen each other for 2 weeks.
I missed Anna so much.

I went to the airport to pick her up.
But her plane didn't arrive on time.
It was first time that I went to the airport to pick someone up.
(I had been there to say goodbye some times.)
And I have never been to foreign country.
So I didn't know that the plane was late.
I worried about her so much... I thought her plane broke.

After a hour, she arrived at the airport WITH a problem.
Her baggage was gone!
I cannot believe this problem. Is it usual?
But Anna is fine :) I was so glad that she could come to Japan safely.

And we went home safely with mac-mobile :)


Elizabeth said...

Missing baggage does happen. This Christmas I went to my parents. On the flight back both my bags were lost.

Maki said...

That's too bad...
Is it normal when you are on a flight?