Friday, August 18, 2006

They love...

My dogs love eating!
Big dog (Serve) loves sweet corn and bread, banana...etc.
He likes to play with a ball. But he always break it at once...
He has the power too much! Poor Serve!!!!
Small dog (Chip) loves cherry and banana, bread, grape, ice...etc.
She likes to play with a stuffed doll.
But Serve rob her of her toys and break it at once...
She always get angry with him. Poor Chip!!!!
They eat bread and banana every morning:)
Yum yum corn

She got a new stuffed doll Tigger.

But Serve have already broken it ...


Anonymous said...

They are very cute.
I like sweet corn too.
I want to meet them sometime.


The Stiffs said...

Cute dogs. I can't believe they killed Tigger! Poor Tigger.

matthew said...

Do your dogs ever food? :)

Elizabeth said...

I love your mom's corn!
How are you?
I will be home soon and will email you.

Maki said...

Yes,the big dog killed Tigger already...
My dog eats dog food every night.

I love mom's corn too:)
I am looking forward to getting your email,Liz!